Military Mail
Military mail - check with Josh
WW1 Royal Engineers Postal Service APO 3 to APO A5 Registered Letter 1917
WW1 Royal Engineers Postal Service APO 3 to APO A5 Registered Letter 1917
WW1 KGV Registered Letter March 1917 cancelled with the datestamp Army Post Office 3 and registered through the same office, the stationary APO at Bou...
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Boer War 1901 Double Censored Kroonstad to Pretoria Opened Martial Law Cover
Boer War 1901 Double Censored Kroonstad to Pretoria Opened Martial Law Cover
Plain cover to Pretoria with VRI 1d overprint cancelled s/r part KROONSTAD O.R.C. 23 JY 01.Has E( )R OPENED UNDER MARTIAL LAW label, red cachet PASSE...
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Larissa Greece 1916 British Xii Corps HQ FPO H12 Censor Active Service Postcard
Larissa Greece 1916 British Xii Corps HQ FPO H12 Censor Active Service Postcard
WW1 picture postcard of Larissa Greece used and posted home to Bakewell Derby, headed ON ACTIVE SERVICE and cancelled with the Field Post Office H.12 ...
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1923 French Occupation Ruhr Postcard DGCRA Dusseldorf Tresor et postes *3*
1923 French Occupation Ruhr Postcard DGCRA Dusseldorf Tresor et postes *3*
Picture postcard from Dusseldorf, sent to France, headed F.M. and date lined 'Dusseldorf 25.4.23. Card is cancelled with the date stamp TRESOR etc POS...
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WW2 'Care Captain S.S. Odysseus' Nederlandse Stoomboot-Maatschappij Cover
WW2 'Care Captain S.S. Odysseus' Nederlandse Stoomboot-Maatschappij Cover
WW2 stationary cover for M. Romeu & Co Ltd Valencia' used headed Hollanda, with the typed heading 'By the care of the Captain of the S.S. Odysseus...
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Koln Mulheim Court of Enquiry British Army APO S.40 1920 Cover WW1 Munitions
Koln Mulheim Court of Enquiry British Army APO S.40 1920 Cover WW1 Munitions
Stunning WW1 cover. Plain envelope used to Highgate London cancelled with the d/r ARMY POST OFFICE S.40 22 JU 20 date stamp, used from Cologne Germany...
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Melton Constable Norfolk Early WW1 Soldiers 1d 'I am well' Postcard 1914
Melton Constable Norfolk Early WW1 Soldiers 1d 'I am well' Postcard 1914
WW1 stationary postcard AFA 2042 Field Service Post Card (Red printing), used cancelled SOUTHAMPTON OCT 25 14 datestamp and posted to Melton Constable...
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Black Sea Fleet 1919 Stamboul Turkey ARMY POST OFFICE Y Censor Postcard
Black Sea Fleet 1919 Stamboul Turkey ARMY POST OFFICE Y Censor Postcard
WW1 picture postcard 'Constantinople Vue Panoramique Stamboul' sent home to Oxford cancelled with a fine strike of the ARMY POST OFFICE Y datestamp, 2...
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