US 40966
WW2 1943 Illustrated Parcel Reply Card U.S. APO 6 63rd Infantry AIEA, OAHU, HAWAII
WW2 parcel reply card illustrated and probed for the Service Men's Committee Jamestown Area - used to New York with part datestamp U.S,. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE APO OCT 1943.
Shows boxed cachet of the U.S. Army Examiner (Censor) and addressed from:
Pvt Leo S Ringer
Co. C. 63rd Inf APO 6
c/o Post Master
Francisco Calif
Blank to reverse, so card sent to acknowledge receipt of the parcel. APO 6 was used 6th Infantry Division, Aiea, Oahu Hawaii.
Condition as shown:
ID: US 40966