US 28035
WW1 U.S. APO No4 to Paris France Cover Special Censorship, Double Censored with APO 'CASH' Cachet
A scarce WW1 cover - opened three sides and previously folded.
Plain envelope to the Farmer's Loan and Trust in Paris franked U.S. 2c cancelled U.S. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE No 4 datestamp SEP 26 1917.
Double censored with U.S. (different numbers) Censor cachets and then opened and resealed with British BASE CENSOR labels tied violet 'S' as special censorship.
To reverse the scarce APO cachet 'CONTAINS NOTES' etc - interesting as no registration which would have been required where posted through the British APO.
Condition as shown: Opened three sides and a fold
ID: US 28035