TR 25293
WW1 APO SZ1 Hospital Gallipoli Message Card OAS to the Highland Light Infantry
WW1 plain message Post Card, headed On Active Service and written in pencil with to reverse a brief message headed 'Hospital Gallipoli 29th Nov 1915' Cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE SZ1 - 29 NO 15 located W Beach Cape Welles Dardanelles campaign. Posted to: Leiut A. A. MacFarlane Grieve 4th Bn The Highland Light Infantry The Officers Mess Haddington (A. A. MacFarlane Grieve is recorded with a military service through to 1954 where a Lt Colonel. During WW1 he was awarded a medal for Military Valour by the King of Italy) Condition as shown: ID: TR 25293 |